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A late afternoon/early evening hike brought interesting light on my hike around Witch Hole Pond today.   This area is more of marsh than a lake this time of year, with all sorts of grasses, plants, birds, insects, and a very loud chorus of frogs that all sounded like they were playing banjos!


The mosquitos were adding their high-pitched whine to my chorus of frogs and I was glad I was wearing that hat with the built-in bug netting.  Sure some people stared at me, but deep down I knew they were envious.



I was hoping I might catch some otters or beavers this time of day.  But even though I saw several lodges, these illusive creatures were keeping themselves well hidden today.  But I got a wonderful surprise when I found iris (my favorite flower) growing wild along the water’s edge.



This area, represents one of many eco-systems to be found here on the island.  I just love how you have marsh/swamp, ocean, lake, and alpine (among others) systems, all represented in a such a small geographic area.   These groups of dead tree trunks in the middle of the swamping area are particularly eerie looking in the fog.  I have it on my photographic “to do” list to capture these in black and white on a foggy day.    But on this day, I enjoyed the reflection they made thanks to abundant sunshine.


One of my favorite photos from today, was the image of these clouds among the water lilies.